Infrascanner Handheld Brain Hematoma Detector Model 2000

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The basic method for intracranial hematomas detection with NIR spectroscopy is based on the differential light absorption associated with the injured versus the non-injured parts of brain.

The Infrascanner compares the left and right sides of the brain in four different areas. The NIRS sensor is placed successively in the left and right frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital areas of the head and the absorbance of light at selected wavelengths is recorded.

  • Patient measurement is completed within 2-3 minutes
  • Detects hematomas greater than 3.5 cc in volume
  • Detects hematomas up to 2.5 cm deep from the surface of the brain (or 3.5 cm from the skin surface)
  • Accuracy: In patients with Epidural, Subdural and Intracerebral hematomas: Sensitivity = 88% / Specificity = 90.7%*
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